Dr. Tom Roselle, DC discusses the signs of a weakened immune system and a natural approach to building immune function.

#agelesshealth @dctomroselledc @WMALDC #neckpain #disease #dysfunction #inflammation #autoimmunedisease #chronicpain #shoulderpain #thermography #degenerativejoints #muscleinjury #repetitivestressdisorder #chronicinflammation #nervepain #appliedkinesiology

FREE HEALTH CARE CLASS: “Natural Solutions for Shoulder Pain” – Dr. Tom Roselle, DC will discuss various holistic approaches to managing and alleviating shoulder pain, including acupuncture, chiropractic care, physical therapy, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about personalized treatment options. Don’t miss this chance to take control of your shoulder health and find relief without relying on medications or surgery on Wednesday, March 19 at 6:00 PM at the Roselle Center For Healing with Dr. Tom Roselle, DC and Dr. Jerry Cowart, DC. Seating is limited. Reserve your seat today: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/natural-solutions-for-shoulder-pain-tickets-1254954906909.

Tune into Dr. Tom Roselle LIVE! on Sunday at 12 NOON on News Talk WMAL 105.9 FM in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia, If you missed a show, please visit Dr. Tom Roselle, DC on most major podcasting and social media platforms including SPOTIFYRUMBLEVimeoGETTRFacebookTwitterLinkedInApple Podcast/iTunesiHeartAmazon Music,  Instagram, YouTube and now streaming on ALEXA!  Just say: “ALEXA, play the latest episode of Ageless Health with Dr. Tom Roselle!”

Dr. Tom Roselle, DC, PAK, PAc, DCCN, DCBCN is an integrative health & wellness expert, author, talk show host, practicing healthcare professional, facility director, philanthropist, and Chairman of the International College of Applied Kinesiology. He is well known for his health radio talk show, “Dr. Tom Roselle Live!®,” his acclaimed self-health book, “Ageless Health®: Health Is A Do-It-To-Yourself Program” and his twice Emmy® award-nominated television broadcast, “Ageless Health® – The TV Special.”

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on AGELESS HEALTH® WITH DR. TOM ROSELLE, DC, Dr. Tom Roselle Live!, the show’s host(s), interview guest(s), or substitute host(s) is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment; it is for general information purposes only. Information from this broadcast should not replace the appropriate consultation and examination process by a licensed Physician. Always consult your own physician prior to changing any current medical directive or prescription.



Join Dr. Tom Roselle, DC for his LIVE STREAM broadcast of Ageless Health® with Dr. Tom Roselle, DC on Sundays at 12:30 PM ET.

Watch this past Sunday’s live stream on the right.



STREAM: Building Immune Function Naturally Dr. Tom Roselle, DC discusses the signs of a weakened immune system and a natural approach to building immune function. More Ageless Health with Dr. Tom Roselle, DC at https://www.drtomroselle.com/ageless-health-podcast/

♬ original sound drtomroselledc

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